Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Collage 3 - Program

Second Program Board

First Program Board


  1. This is a very nice collage. As marketing collateral, I would use this for the finished project. The graphics are clean and very descriptive.

    Where this fails, however is in the fact that the imagery is very literal. As there is little room for interpretation, there is little room for extrapolation into architectural expression. Of the three, this is the one that I would really encourage you to look for some more abstract imagery that leads to ambiguity. While searching for the "meaning" depth reveal itself. In that depth, form can be drawn.

  2. Could not have said better.
    How can you take the action or activities that happen in a hotel or a marina and abstract them

  3. Ok thanks Mr. Fastman and Prof. Lia. I will be revising it.

  4. Good morning Mr. Fastman and Prof. Lia, see my revised program board above. I hope that this one addresses the issues, and evoke emotions about my two programs as a whole.

  5. Definitely a marked improvement between first and second board. Keep up the good work on your abstractions, and be sure not to make them too well ordered or regularlay spaced to convey your message and let the viewer focus on their favorite, then move on to other parts of the board to make their own links and interconnections.
