Saturday, October 3, 2015

Matrix & Bubble Diagram - Water Taxi, Water Sports & Yacht Dock


  1. Read my comments from the Hotel Matrix - same idea. Think about the board walk feature like the lobby. There needs to be a connection between patrons coming from both land and sea - how you treat the yacht dock and the water taxi area is important. What happens in the lounge that doesn't happen in the bar & grill area? Could I walk off my yacht and go directly to the dining area? Just some things to think about as you progress through it. Remember to "change your hats" as you investigate more.

  2. The immediate next step here is to combine both programmatic groups into a larger comprehensive document. If it is not doable within the bubble diagramme as assigned, for your own sake, create a new graphic expression that allows you to begin to organize your site and programme.
