Monday, September 14, 2015

Case Study - 1


  1. Your precedent studies look to be going in the right direction. I like to consistency of your diagramming, but I question your symmetry a little bit. You might want to check again to see that those are really all of the axes, or if you have too many indicated. You might want to bump up the color indications on your ciculation study because it is a little hard to discern what it is your are trying to show. Consistency and graphics are of good quality.

    1. Thanks for your input "amg at Forum Architects, LLC." See my two latest posts for better graphics, and I will fix my first two posts graphics wise etc..

  2. Diagrammes are a simple graphic distillation of information about a building They are not necessarily just a tracing or color overlay of a drawing or image of the building, although sometimes apt. To me a diagramme must speak for itself without the necessity for an overabundance of words or indicators. This can mean that a quick 3-d blockout might tell you more than an overlay. Interpretation is part of the game here.

    1. Thanks Mr. Fastman, and I will keep that in mind going forward with the other case studies.
